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Asimov Press is an editorially-independent publishing venture that aims to make sense of this era of biology. We publish four Issues of our digital magazine each year, featuring long-form articles, Q&As, photo essays, and historical notes. We are part Asimov.

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Niko McCarty is a founding editor at Asimov Press. He is also a curriculum specialist at MIT, the co-founder of a writing fellowship for scientists, and the author of Codon, a biotechnology newsletter. Niko grew up in the Chicago suburbs, lives in Cambridge, and holds various degrees from Imperial College London, Caltech, and NYU. @NikoMcCarty

Xander Balwit is a founding editor at Asimov Press. She arrived at biotech because of an unremitting interest in animal welfare. An experienced writer and editor, Xander wants to encourage more people to articulate and understand how biotech can provide solutions to our most pressing problems. @AlexandraBalwit

Email: editors@asimov.com

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Making sense of progress in biotechnology. Visit our website: press.asimov.com


Asimov Press is a digital magazine that features writing about progress in biology.
Interested in eu-topias. What if everything goes terribly right?